Everyone between the ages of 20 and 30 should remember this little icon. And if you don't, then you were either 1. not "hip and with it" or 2. drama free and happy. Either way, for a small period of time in adolescence, this website ruled the majority of our social lives. So, with the advent of friendster, myspace, and later on facebook, what actually happened to livejournal? Well, it is still around, and I actually spent a few hours one night reliving a number of horrid occasions and personality disorders that I wish I could put back into the vastness that is the internet.
Just like reading a journal that one may have had at a young age, it is embarassing to return to those petty loves and angry entries about bands you hate or whats wrong with the world. But unlike that journal stuffed away under your pillow, this was on the internet for all to see (unless yours was private, which suffocated a bit of the drama). It was a time where we all worried whose lj was going to be hacked next, what we would say that would end up pissing people off, and how best to fish for compliments. And the only thing different from then and now is that we use a different medium.
But, I was glad to look back and read some of the outragously embarassing entries I made. My talk about politics was sprinkled with ignorant soundbites about "fuck that guy" and what have you. My boughts with love and hate were always interesting to follow (the waves of good to bad were clearly marked). There were shows that I still never forget. There were trips that coined phrases like "ooooooooooh myyyyyyyyyyy goooooooood, there's a daaaaaairy queeeeeen," and "pizza? in the morning?!"
Of all of these things, though, one memory came flooding back that was repressed for a reason. Tom Porter, Danny Skelley, Chad Smith, and I were in a band called Virginia is for Lovers. On our quick rise and fall, there was a trip to a city whose name escapes me at the moment. In this city, we stayed in a hotel room with a few friends, where the oddest night of my life took place.
A timeline isn't needed here. Delirious, this is what I can actually recall from the night. Chad was sitting on top of the T.V. in the room, where someone had gone out and rented a video called (insert any sort of anal porn title here). With Chad sitting on top of the T.V., the video played, and Chad began to chuckle in a way no man should when watching anal porn upside down. I'm sure Danny was uncomfortable. Tom was in another room, with our friend Chris. Chad leaves and enters said room, closes the door. Those of us left are wondering what is going on, so we open the door and see possibly the oddest and most uncomfortable moment in our lives. While Tom and Chad are cuddling in bed, Chris is jumping on top of them (in his "maroony-tightys), laughing like he's just murdered a group of tourists traveling through Texas. Then, I'm pretty sure I blackout and cannot recall the rest of the night.
So, to conclude, thank you LiveJournal. Without your archive of useless teen poetry, I would have never recalled such an interesting(?) time in my life. Traveling through three years of anger, heartbreak, music and friends, I found that I am very much the same, just a bit more quiet about it. And a little less angry.
And much more articulate.
I believe we were in Tampa that night, and what a fucking night it was.
ReplyDeleteI seem to remember a late-night dip in the jacuzzi, sitting atop the TV and Chris in his underwear. But the rest is a blur.
As disturbing as it must have been, I had not thought about that night for a long time, but I'm glad you preserved it for posterity on LJ. I'm going to root around in there and see what shit I can find. Miss those days.
Bandwidth always,
geeeezzzzz you guys need to lay off the burbon...
ReplyDeleteHow did I never hear such a hilarious story that involves all of you, anal porn, and lil chris's tight pants.