Here's the thing; whether you like it or not, the older you get, the more dead punk rock gets. And it isn't the scene itself. It's all you. You're the jaded asshole standing on the side of the stage, telling your friends "they were better when we were 16." And they were. And even though you're not old, these things aren't supposed to change.
And it isn't the band, either.
Theres a certain amount of jadedness that comes along with age in punk rock. Stage dives aren't nearly as awesome if you aren't doing them with your friends (although they are still great). Sing alongs are forever a staple in my youth, and I feel that they will continue well into my future. But no matter what, nothing will amount to seeing shows 7-8 years ago, where everyone would sing along.
Shows in Daytona used to be better than any city you could imagine. Whether there were 15 or 150 kids at a show, it wouldn't matter. Bands would make it a point to stop in Daytona, just because they would leave with some sordid tale of Daytona kid antics. In a later piece, I'll discuss the ridiculousness that was Springbreakdown (any year), Gay Biker Dude Crew, and the Night of Terror in Ponce Inlet.
So, am I too old to enjoy a good punk rock show? I'll say this; just the other night, I went and saw some of my favorite bands, and was not as moved as I used to be. Every band was great, and I got to hear every song I wanted to, but it wasn't the same. A week later, I one of the same bands, and I got goosebumps watching them. The fire is still there, that is for certain. But I have a feeling that I'll be one of those old men who tells tales of fantastical shows where boogie boards were used to crowd surf, and everyone wore painted handlebar mustaches.
"Let me tell you this story about a man who got naked and scared a bunch of young kids while playing music..."
Nostalgia is great.